Year 2 sees some of the industry’s biggest brands, GVC, IGT and Sky, lead the way in global workplace D&I efforts.

The All-In Diversity Project, an industry-led not-for-profit initiative seeking to benchmark diversity, equality and inclusion across the global betting and gaming industry has just released its long-awaited second annual study on the sector’s workforce. The All-Index™ 2019 visualises employee demographics and employment practices across the world.
The findings support some, but debunk other assumptions about industry stereotypes, and highlight initiatives that help support and promote workplace D & I. The data supplied by the 26 organisations to take part (representing between them over 100 global brands), indicates a near 50:50 split overall with 46.7% of the total 125,697 employees identified as women (See infographic 1). But that statistic is just the start, with the report helping to provide insight into where the industry needs to focus its efforts in the future.
This year’s report indicated that of those organizations that participated 41% of executive teams make up is female but go up to board level and representation appears to have dropped 5.5% from 28% to 22.5%.
(See infographic 2)
In 2018 there was something close to pay parity for those in earnings groups up to 25,000 and 50,000 respectively. In 2019 without exception every salary band shows males earning more than females.
The report also measures practice and policy within organisations. Interestingly, given the events of this year, the number of organizations offering training and learning to help support the active implementation of equality/anti-discrimination polies dropped to around 70% compared to around 90% in 2018.
On a positive note, the number of organizations now offering conscious and unconscious bias training has increased from 50% in 2018 to over 72% in 2019, whilst a 30% drop in. support for under-represented groups including LGBTQ+ communities, disabilities, ethnic minorities and cognitive profiles is balanced by an increase in organizations shifting to a wider focus on mental health and well-being for all employees.
It was hoped that a combination of Year 1, 2 and 3 would start to establish some clear trends and metrics, however the events of 2020 – the impact of COVID-19 and a greater spotlight on race strongly suggest that the last 12 months’ may be a pivotal moment in workplace DEI. To that end All-In is looking to conduct research looking at the impact of this and will be undertaking producing a free COVID-19/2020 survey in January 2021.
Any business or organization that would like to participate – all sectors and industries are encouraged to take part can register their interest here:
“All-in Diversity Project is the industry’s central resource for businesses requiring data and tools in order to progress their business to a more diverse and inclusive workforce. We believe that surveying the industry annually is one of the most significant ways we can continue real progress globally. We are grateful to all participants who are both committed to their own progress but also to the industry’s overall improvement,” said All-in Diversity Project Co-Founder Co-Founder Kelly Kehn.
The All-Index™ 2019 Report was produced in partnership with Rokker and Random Colour Animal.
The All-in Diversity Project is the industry’s global resource for data pertaining to diversity and inclusion. We collect data through employee surveys and the All-Index — a standard index which is set to be the definitive benchmarking tool for the gambling industry to measure progress towards inclusion in the workplace. Our vision is to shift the paradigm for inclusion through transparency, measurability and actionable tactics. More information can be found at or emailing
The report is available for download on our website at:
Selected infographics included in this report can be downloaded here:
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